Your road to grounded, connected, confident, and peaceful parenting
begins here

Mindfully support your children
Authentically and strategically navigate the family court system
Successfully co-parent/parallel-parent
Navigate day-to-day challenges
Find peace and purpose in the now

Rooted Elm Coaching LLC was born from my desire to help parents maintain their own inner-peace while building loving and meaningful relationships with their children; no matter what situation life has placed them in. While I work with all kinds of parents and families, my experiences have allowed me to be of particular help to single parents, parents going through a separation or divorce, parents who share custody of their children, and parents who may need to co-parent with a high-conflict individual. I know that going through a divorce - particularly divorcing a high-conflict individual - can be overwhelming. I am here to help families to successfully navigate the unique challenges of parenting within the family court system. I will support you to thrive in any situation and help you to create loving and lasting memories for your children. I will guide you to move forward with confidence - in both your parenting and your understanding of family court - and face what comes with tenacity and grace. I am here to support and empower you to take back your, and your children's, peace, and to hold this peace in your heart and your home.
-Jen DeGaetano, M.Ed.
Founder and Owner, Rooted Elm Coaching LLC
PCI Certified Parent Coach®
HCDCCP Certified Divorce Coach & Consultant